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Floor Maintenance

Maintaining your color sealed floors is a snap, your floors will clean up very easy by simply mopping a neutral PH balanced on your floors and dry mopping off…It’s that easy!  (See our recommended cleaner on this page!)


For periodic maintenance on your color sealed tile floor, we recommend using a PH Neutral cleaner to properly maintain the floor.  Avoid using products such as vinegar (which is low in PH) or dish detergent (which is high in alkaline).  Products that are safe for stone are safe for your floor as well.   Also, do not use bleach to clean the floor.


If you want to disinfect the floor, it is safe to use a steamer, however do not rely on a steamer to regularly maintain the floor.  Rinsing the floor will insure the best results.


One of our favorite products is a neutral cleaner brand called ZEP, you can buy it at Home Depot (here's a link for you).

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